HL Control Services S.A. , provides control, inspection and certification services of weight and quality of grains, seeds, oils and their by-products.
Aware of the importance of the satisfaction of our customers, we set our quality policy with the aim of informing all the members of our organization, our suppliers and our clients of the axes that guide our actions.
Therefore, our organization has decided to implement and maintain a QMS - Quality Management System that follows ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
Within the framework of this commitment we highlight the following axes:
Comply with the legal and current requirements in regard to our activity and in relation to the reference standard.
Continuously improve the quality of our services.
Measure and improve continuously our results in relation to the requirements of the ISO standard and others set by our organization.
Establish and manage the indicators that allow us to show the state of progress and improvement in the reference to the objectives set.
Maintain a fluid communication with the interested parties (collaborators, suppliers and customers), in order to continuously improve our results as far as the reference standard is concerned.
Buenos Aires, 12-06-17

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